To: Ms HO'ROZCO(+17429882727)
Date: 2024-10-04 02:16:01
You're claiming that TOU ordered GOD to forgive your Father for raping his 14-yr-old daughter and attack me for understanding the Catholic Duty to protect our Children from a Father like your own?
"I tell you to take all that down this isn't how a marriage works, but you have cheated on me partying it up while I have no place to stay I sleep on the streets."
You're protecting a pedophile and harming OUR children.

Date: 2024-10-04 09:07:35
It is our CATHOLIC responsibility to legally and lawfully recognize your Father Fausto as a child rapist .
You forgive HIM but you don't forgive ME. You are acting like a child, you storm out and refuse to come back unless I agree to certain things.
Do you understand how unreasonable you're being in this regard?
You treat me as poorly because you care more about the health and welfare of your father than the health and welfare of your husband.

Date: 2024-10-04 09:22:17
Moreover you lie to me about where you are sleeping because if you choose to sleep somewhere else and lie about your situation to me as an exercise of power, that's very childish.
You love your mother, your father, and even your brother in the PAST, more than you care about your husband and the FUTURE.

Date: 2024-10-04 11:06:08
I love you, but I cannot depend on you, it seems.

Date: 2024-10-04 12:23:07
You refuse to punish the child rapist. That's very simple

Date: 2024-10-04 12:23:55
It's a clear choice you made.

Date: 2024-10-04 12:24:21
You love your father more than you love your husband simple very simple

Date: 2024-10-04 12:43:04
When we got married you told your you told me that you wish your father had been punished at being charged then roundabout comes around all this is the install amendment to the limitations acts and and then suddenly he's your favorite body so you know what you made your choice so keep your choice goodbye

Date: 2024-10-04 12:44:00
Breeds of contract we entered into marriage with these with the understanding that you did not want him to be free and we both agreed they'll be good for him to be punished so now you go on so you're saying you're still on for suicide so you know what goodbye this is Annulment.

Date: 2024-10-04 12:48:22
As a child you had full privileged not to charge your father as an adult we have a duty to protect our children okay so it's either or so it seems you're still a child you protect the predator goodbye

Date: 2024-10-04 12:52:17
Ergo with the safety and Security of your father is more important to you than the safety and Security of your husband.

Date: 2024-10-04 13:02:01
You are abusive, you just called me a whore, a f bitch too so here is the example of you verbally abusing me. I told you to go speak with a priest, he will help you to understand more Your online posts and text and personal communication are abusive, insulting, cruel. This is why I can't continue to speak to you. This shows why I had to leave. You don't even apologize. You bully me, put me down telling me that I'm not welcome at home if I don't do what you are ordering me to do. You order me to go to the police to report a rape. when I told you that I won't do it you told me that I must have enjoyed it then. What man or woman would say that to a former child victim of rape. You are cruel and the 27 plus sites you have made t your mission to write about me the same insults& expletives and putdowns. All those sites show you bullying and abusing me in writing. Then you ask me what have I done to you that you hate me? Why have you done all this bullying and hurting on me? You are cruel unless you seek some therapy for yourself i can't continue to talk to you.
You texted me on wed night
that you wanted to meet halfway to compromise that you were my husband for life You told me to call you, and I did the next day. However I saw that you still had those ugly posts about me, so I mentioned that and then you started to again verbally attack me by phone just like what you have said on your posts. You must take those down and possibly apologize to me online, go talk to the priest at Holy Name parish the one I made the appointment with. Then call Catholic family services and ask for help with your anger and abuse towards me. You must go to confession for your slander gossip and belittling of me. I am very hurt that you don't know that what you are doing is wrong. Get some help. You can't force a victim to go report and you can't tell her or his story of abuse to the public 1 )bec you don't know what happened
2) because it is not your story to tell it's wrong it's called gossiping
3) you are committing a crime by passing of your writing and posts as mine, me brothers and my father, or even Kelly.You are committing a fraud.
4). Even if you did know what exactly happened it is wrong for you to write about it and insinuate that she is lying about it bec she doesn't want to go to the police.
I really think you should be speaking with good Catholic people and seek the guidance of the church, please seek some help. You purposely missed our appointment with the priest thinking that you are correct. You need the help of Jesus please seek the help. Bye

Date: 2024-10-04 13:08:08
No Miserables go you protect your pedophile father so you know what? We're f****** over so so yeah goodbye and hope when you meet someone else don't tell them that you don't lie to have been telling them there do you hate pedophiles because you lie you love your father so f***p

Date: 2024-10-04 13:09:57
And for you to say it's abuse for me to say that you're pedophile father should be punished for raping you that is you're on the wrong side dear okay ciao it's the end of our story.

Date: 2024-10-04 13:13:23
So if you say that I was bullying you and your father was is not guilty for raping you then you are against complicit you are you agreed to you consented to it so have a good life ciao.

Date: 2024-10-04 13:15:46
Since your mommy kicked the bucket you've been AWOL for 20% of the time.
Enjoy your life find a rapist you want to marry okay cuz I don't like your father

Date: 2024-10-04 13:28:27
Because I initially informed you at our Marriage that your father needs to be legally and lawfully recognized as the father who abused his family and sexually raped his daughter in ibe or more occasions..
I was clear from the start, this is NOT a negotiation. I am your husband as recognized before God, so get your ass back or pick your Divorce and. Annulment protocol paperwork.
Very simple, as I explained for you ignorant attention.
And have a good Wedding 💍 Anniversary on your own. Maybe have a good OROZCO man for your sexual satisfaction, because you are in Breach.

Date: 2024-10-04 13:29:44
Ruby wants to do something with me tonight.

Date: 2024-10-04 14:17:32
I still love 💞 you but I cannot trust 😭 you to actually tell me the truth.
I'm sorry but I see that you still love your father like a 14 year old child of Fr FAUSTO because even though you allege to be 51, you act like a 15 year old.
I already have a son of 15 with his sister of 18, so I don't want another child to protect because you mother didn't ACTIVELY protect against your father, but she did well to run away.
You have baggage about your daddy, and you're in denial about our Duty as Catholics.

Date: 2024-10-04 14:31:08
Isaac did you send me an etransfer from Addison Dion for $1350.46 cad sent to I just got this email , is this you?

Date: 2024-10-04 14:32:57
Addison Dion is a scam and they targeted one domain I have.. I think there's 8 exactly the same email.

Date: 2024-10-04 14:34:58
And if you look at the email it says it starts on October A until October A. Which is just a really stupid scammer.

Date: 2024-10-04 14:49:50
When I give you more money it will be through our TD shared account which had $50 an hour ago but I just raised to $100 so we will communicate better by your returning to the BROADVIEW LOCATION as we are married. Kinda simple, my dear.

Date: 2024-10-04 14:58:29
Your Trauma Bondage to your Fr FAUSTO is not correct. Let your dependence on his honour go and protect those like my son and her daughter against pedophiles.
Your 20% AWOL ABSENTIA is a HUGE red flag that shows you're still with your daddy trauma.
We end hin,legally and lawfully. If you're against recognizing hin as a predator, then you're against the safety and security of my son and his sister.
Do you understand? This is NOT a fucking PLACEBO NEGOTIATION. I will walk with either Kelly or Ruby if you do not agree with me.
The FUTURE of my son and his sister is more important than the PAST of my wife.

Date: 2024-10-04 16:42:39
I notified you of the requirements which we bear to recognize your abusive child rapist father according to our code, which had actually been VERIFIED by the Vatican on June 1st of 2021.
I love you MARITZA but you are representative of a threat to the safety and security of Kelly and Isaac's children. She adopted them both, and they're both my children. I said something clearly:
GTFU or GTFO... It's very simply a matter of not being a NARCISSIST SELFISH CHILD but actually being a REASONABLE CAUSE ADULT.

Date: 2024-10-04 16:58:21
The date was Oct 3. For your info you called me a bitch a whore a trampstamp , a daddy's whore, shot Latina whore, and more. 1 nobody treats me this way . 2 don't threaten me with infidelity 🐷 3 you don't deserve me so your a dirty Muslim man or Protestant like the pig king Henry viii. You care more about your children than your wife. You are no Catholic, go to hell Isaac's. Turn to Christ.
You don't deserve me you are an unfaithful bastard. I loved you but you've turned out to be a traitor to our marriage.

Date: 2024-10-04 16:58:42

Date: 2024-10-04 16:59:29
Your bullying will stop now.

Date: 2024-10-04 17:00:01
A traitor who walks out 20% of the time?

Date: 2024-10-04 17:04:05
I'm unfaithful you claim.. yet YOU breach our Sacrament of Holy Matrimony over 20% of the time since yo momma was
Goodbye. Bills for Canada Post mail and UPS trampstamp service are paid up as stated previously.

Date: 2024-10-04 17:09:18
I love you MARITZA but you are representative of a threat to the safety and security of Kelly and Isaac's children. She adopted them both, and they're both my children. I said something clearly:
GTFU or GTFO... It's very simply a matter of not being a NARCISSIST SELFISH CHILD but actually being a REASONABLE CAUSE ADULT.

Date: 2024-10-04 17:15:13
You're not conversing in any sense matrimonial reasonableness or attempt to reconcile matters formally.
This all goes to the Archdiocese after which I'll see if Kelly's willing to enter into partnership with an EQUAL PARTNER IN CRIME.
I told you that I had a past. I truly love you 💕 at present, but this will fade as your 20% rate of absenteeism has equivalent codependency of ZERO.
End of game. Please use any knowledge or skills you have learned in order to progress to the next level.

Date: 2024-10-04 17:52:47
I do love, and I also love my son and daughter, so I care about their adoptive mother as if she were my sister.
I love you, and I feel hopeful about a corollary with Kelly and you as friends.
Please just return to the BROADVIEW LOCATION as I care for you more than you understand. But 20% rate of absentia?
That is wrong.

Date: 2024-10-04 19:34:23
I'll always love you, Ms OROZCO.

Date: 2024-10-04 19:36:08
But I cannot trust you or rely upon your actions. I'm sorry, and I'll make the mail is provided until April or May at the least

Date: 2024-10-04 19:48:15
You're amusing .. so you think it's a move in your favour if you threaten me in order to protect FAUSTO the PEDO?
Wow .. you are stupid. No wonder he raped you and you covered his crime up. As I said I. Our initial steps into marriage, the gloves are going to come off.
I love you, and you threaten our children take your shit and get the fuck out of MY apartment.

Date: 2024-10-04 20:09:28
If you do anything else to threaten my son, his sister, or their adoptive mother...
I recommend against that course of action. An AWOL of 20% is just unacceptable.
I don't need your consent, just like Our Father doesn't need your consent. You choose to remain under FAUSTO for the duration of your purgatory, because that's likely how I'll represent this as a Catholic Child who never grew beyond her trauma.

Date: 2024-10-04 20:45:53
Do you honestly think I'm going to cover-up the fact that your father physically and sexually abused you, and that I'll be just as fuckin' ignorant as the useful idiot who's prepared to do time in purgatory for covering up what is a public dysfunction epedemic in society?
Holy shit.. ur must be that MORON Kim from Seeds of Hope bullshit.
I know the fucking rules.. PERIOD. Your father really FUCKED you up.

Date: 2024-10-04 21:05:32
I am the father of two children whose health and freedom of conscience you pose against OUR children. You're so obsessed about maintaining your Ignorance of the di full nature your father seeded in you. I love you, but you are reasonably perceived as potentially unfaithful to your Catholic husband.

Date: 2024-10-04 21:13:41
Whichever idiot who's telling you to lie to me is a fucking moron. I am your husband, and I am Catholic. Why are you acting like such a moron?

Date: 2024-10-04 21:16:47
I love you, but you do not appear to love me.
You are 51 and I am 42, albeit you are HOT 🔥 Latina if you don't respect me, you're gone.
Goodbye. You're not Catholic.

Date: 2024-10-04 21:21:16
PS: And I don't understands how you claim NOT to be protective of Mr OROZCO.
Get out of my life. Period.

Date: 2024-10-04 22:32:03
Please tell me just who convinced you to believe that your Father is more important and sexually appetizing than your step son's own Father...
You have sacrificed your marriage because your husband understands the necessity of reducing the occurrence of Father's raping their daughters.. or was it really consensual? That's not what you presented to me, so we're Annul'd either way.
20% AWOL absentia since Esperanza kicked the bucket the day after Independence Day right? July 5th, 2021 is technically appropriate. By your CHOOSING to attack your hubby for his understanding that Mr Fausto Enrique OROZCO was acting criminal in how he forced you to engage in sexual in intercourse with your Father who art NOT in Heaven, right?
I love you, but you're totally out of alignment, possibly just fuckin nuts consequent to o your mother's death.
Interesting.. what else did you do for your mum? We can do a confidential disclosure, or I'll just bring it all down, the lies and petty obfuscation.
I'm going to enjoy this, as I begged you not to force this hand...
Because I'm very good at the game.

Date: 2024-10-04 23:36:29
Alright Maritza.. I told you years ago shortly before our mum kicked the bucket. Even from a Catholic perspective, your father MUST be recognized and dealt with as a child rapist. You were allegedly raped against your will, or forcibly convinced to satisfy your father’s sexual needs, but you are no longer a child.. so grow the Fark’d up, grrl.
And so, I’ll simply quote a description of how your actions are interpreted like little girl fuckers like your “best daddy ever” Mr Fausto Enrique OROZCO because they know that if they pound the mother and daughter with enough terror, that they’ll be immunized against the consequences of fucking with our children.
This is an epidemic, and YOU Ms Maritza Elizabeth OROZCO (DOB 1973-08-04) claim that your husband Mr Isaac Bon HILLIER (DOB 1982-02-19) is a less preferable coital partner than your Father (who art not yet in Heaven) Mr Fausto Enrique OROZCO (DOB 1939-01-16). You’ve been fully informed of my resonance.. why I put my son and his sister’s FUTURE ahead in priority relative to your PAST and my PRESENT.
You have acknowledged my publishing experiences and my juridicial track record, you also claim to understand that I claim to have suffered immensely when Anne endangered our son and his sister. I love them, just as I love you Maritza.. but you’re an ADULT who clings on to your H’orozco Tramp-stamp which I am fundamentally hurt by… you know, this is your dysfunctional mark of the beast whom you protect and in so doing endanger my children.
Why do you think I lined up Farkas as soon as you started going batshit cray-cray after mum bit the dust. You’re being too self-interested my dear, but it’s not your fault.. it’s almost ENTIRELY the fault of your father and your mother. You’re way the fuck off grid...

Date: 2024-10-04 23:37:11
So, please respect me as your husband or if that’s not Fausto enough for you, please be ready for the Civil Divorce on October 16th, 2024, followed by the schedule Papal Annulment on or about October 15th, 2025. For fuck sake, please just use your brain.. we have a Catholic DUTY.
I do love you, and I love my son and his sister equally important.
“For He whom shall fuck with our kids, so thou shalt never fuck again..
Not without your penis which we retain.”
-Canadian Democratic Defence Association,
Kelly & Isaac