To: Ms HO'ROZCO(+17429882727)
Date: 2024-11-15 01:13:27


Date: 2024-11-15 01:18:14

Date: 2024-11-15 01:21:37

Date: 2024-11-15 01:21:41

Date: 2024-11-15 01:21:43

Date: 2024-11-15 07:51:15
Good morning Ms OROZCO. How well did you sleep with your new HUSBAND?

Date: 2024-11-15 08:23:56
I need to speak with your contact regarding the housing near Queen's Park as I am on the streets right now.
I need housing for Friday Night, with or without you. I informed you that I had prepared KELLY as my back-up for the possibility of your protecting your Fr FAUSTO deal which actually THREATENED OUR CHILDREN.
Please give me this guy's contact information so I can meet him this afternoon or evening.
If you're not with me, I can rely upon my back-up as I've set it up for ANNULMENT if you don't grow the FARK'S up..
I love you but I will NEVER tolerate your father and his criminal rape of you.
If you utter your consent to fuck him, then you can go Fark yourself and I'll get to know Kelly better.
I would prefer you, but I don't fuck pedophiles or their supporters.

Date: 2024-11-15 08:33:30

Date: 2024-11-15 09:04:58
I don't want to do a weekend at the Backpackers Inn so please connect me to your boyfriend you said can house me since you're fucking him.

Date: 2024-11-15 10:23:51
I don't appreciate how CRUEL JoJo is, and I have given you the clear choice to make about whether you're with me and my wife, or with JoJo Li and Tom Li.
Very simple choice, cuz this isn't my first rodeo and I've already lined up a replacement for my wife if she loves her father more than my son and daughter.
Please be advised that what JoJo and Tom Li are doing with their juvenile 2755377 ONTARIO INC setup.
And I'm playing by the rules, so I'm not accessing my network established before I was married to the PEDO Protector Orozco Edition.
I'm VERY angry at JoJo and Tom for their vexatious slumlord typology.
She put me on the streets, so I'm playing for keeps. Please tell her that she needs Insurance.

Date: 2024-11-15 11:42:18
The balance available on our TD card is:
Understand that however you wish. Because Isaac is booked out of your pussy by your Fr FAUSTO the PEDO PROTECTION cock of supremacy.

Date: 2024-11-15 11:59:48
I need to speak with your "friend" so he can provide me with a bed while he satisfies my wife's needs for an unholy daddy.
Please give me his number and I will provide confirmation for his satisfaction that he can do whatever the fuck he wants with the woman who is actually<75% my wife.

Date: 2024-11-15 12:49:02
Go jump into a lake. You insult me calling me unfaithful and insult me by saying I love my father. I won't help you. You were unfaithful you were cruel to me.
You think that you can insult me and then you expect me to help you? Why did you throw cold water at me? I threw water at you bec you were verbally abusive to say that I "enjoyed my father's cock" that is why I left you, I don't need this abuse. You are a sick man. A very sick man. You said that I love my father's cock, do you know how sick you sound? I don't need your abuse. You never were sorry for all your abuse when you said you were sorry to me in front of Kim at the Dundas church. You said you were sorry and that you recognized that you need therapy that we both need to speak with some councillors but you lied to Kim and to me. You hurt me when you put up your insinuations about my past, you admitted that it was wrong in the past but now you have turned evil you said you were sorry but you lied to me. Where you ever sorry when you said you were sorry?
You continue your abusive words to me and false accusations and lies about me to this day this is why I see you aren't sorry for your slanders about me.
I see how you use people. You need to go to confession for your evil words, false jealousies, making a false testimony and for your lies about me and cruel treatment. How sick you are to allege that I am in favour of rape, I'm also not in favour of intimate partner abuse like what you have done to me. Intimate partner abuse such as yelling at me, name calling me, emotional blackmailing me, bullying me in person , not letting me leave, throwing objects at me then cyberbullying me, stealing money from my credit cards, a not paying back other funds that were mine but you gave to some cheater -Kelly-you put me into great debt.
You hurt me, so get lost, you insult me too much. remove my name, pictures,and lies about me online if you believe all the crap you write about me, which you shouldn't, you are wrong but if you do believe your lies I don't want to talk with you. If You believe your lies about me then leave me alone.
Seek counselling for yourself, speak to father Luis at Devine mercy or go to st Ann's or some church nearby. You are walking with evil and you are in danger you need to make appointment and speak with a priest. You can't hate me insult me and then tell me I need to stay to hear your vitriol.

Date: 2024-11-15 12:56:34
The most recent bullshit from my ex who's jealous of my love for you, Kelly.

Date: 2024-11-15 12:57:09
Go jump into a lake. You insult me calling me unfaithful and insult me by saying I love my father. I won't help you. You were unfaithful you were cruel to me.
You think that you can insult me and then you expect me to help you? Why did you throw cold water at me? I threw water at you bec you were verbally abusive to say that I "enjoyed my father's cock" that is why I left you, I don't need this abuse. You are a sick man. A very sick man. You said that I love my father's cock, do you know how sick you sound? I don't need your abuse. You never were sorry for all your abuse when you said you were sorry to me in front of Kim at the Dundas church. You said you were sorry and that you recognized that you need therapy that we both need to speak with some councillors but you lied to Kim and to me. You hurt me when you put up your insinuations about my past, you admitted that it was wrong in the past but now you have turned evil you said you were sorry but you lied to me. Where you ever sorry when you said you were sorry?
You continue your abusive words to me and false accusations and lies about me to this day this is why I see you aren't sorry for your slanders about me.
I see how you use people. You need to go to confession for your evil words, false jealousies, making a false testimony and for your lies about me and cruel treatment. How sick you are to allege that I am in favour of rape, I'm also not in favour of intimate partner abuse like what you have done to me. Intimate partner abuse such as yelling at me, name calling me, emotional blackmailing me, bullying me in person , not letting me leave, throwing objects at me then cyberbullying me, stealing money from my credit cards, a not paying back other funds that were mine but you gave to some cheater -Kelly-you put me into great debt.
You hurt me, so get lost, you insult me too much. remove my name, pictures,and lies about me online if you believe all the crap you write about me, which you shoul

Date: 2024-11-15 12:57:22

Date: 2024-11-15 12:58:39
Maritza, you don't appreciate me as a man or you HUSBAND when you are with me. Kelly appreciates me more than you.

Date: 2024-11-15 12:59:31
Are you honestly doing this Ms OROZCO?

Date: 2024-11-15 13:04:59

You don't appreciate me as your MALE, so you can go finder your Br FAUSTO meat to satisfy your hunger and needs which I cannot as a male who requires your consent to fuck six days a week, yet a full harpsichord on Sunday. GH otta fill all the holes of potential as you claim to be duly authorized to exercise the FORGIVENESS OF RAPING CHILDREN.

Date: 2024-11-15 13:09:48
You know that you're actually pushing FARKAS and HILLIER closer, right?
You have the nerve to tell me that another man will satisfy me just as much as he satisfies your needs, right?
You. Are. In. The. Wrong.

Date: 2024-11-15 13:11:36

Date: 2024-11-15 13:17:25
What's the number you called to get access to a warm bed at night? I'm gonna need it in case Skelly-Kelly still hasn't told my son about our pirouettes.
What's the name of your male friend whom you believe will distract me from the fact that you're sleeping and satisfying your hunger at a "top secret" lo CC ation with multiple unnamed male customers and consumers of how deep you're willing to go for the right Latino Fatherly Phallic Menber.

Date: 2024-11-15 13:18:52
Honestly.. you do not understand what happens when you recognize that your father is more of a man than your husband.

Date: 2024-11-15 13:22:55
What's a cheap hotel, do you know?
I don't want to have to shack up with someone else just to show you that you're way the fuck out of line.

Date: 2024-11-15 13:34:05
You want your husband dead, because I don't meet the needs created by the absence of your REAL FATHER who art NOT in Heaven. Right?

Date: 2024-11-15 13:42:16
You are married to me, yet you PROTECT your Fr FAUSTO who satisfies you better than your husband.
You left me for my recognizing that your Father is the type of man that we MUST recognize in order to correct the Normalcy Bias.
Did you finish packing everything at the BROADVIEW LOCATION or what?

Date: 2024-11-15 13:44:29
You are RIDICULOUS and acting just as NAUGHTY as Kathleen did 16 years ago.

Date: 2024-11-15 13:55:24
And did you manage to get all the bows and property out of the trap it was set up by JoJo?
I find your disrespect very hurt hurt like honestly I guess I'm not as good as a man as other fun stuff because he will do anything to protect his Safety and Security and is right too he free to rape the nearest little heart with me right so you kind of hypocrite darling..

Date: 2024-11-15 13:56:36
So give me the number of the baby daddy you had to use hard to keep me out of order being concerned about my wife not being with her husband because she's out satisfying other men just like her daddy clean and pure as as the driven snow I can't pray

Date: 2024-11-15 14:01:02
You say I am in false jealousy of the fact is that you leave me over 25% of the time since July 5th 2021 when your mother passed from this Earth because she was your little p**** but it made you feel okay that was your duty f*** your father now you realize that without your mother you have to do with the drama cuz she was the whole reason you didn't deal with it.

Date: 2024-11-15 14:47:20
I told you very CLEARLY to GTFU or GTFO. If you need me to die so you can move on to being sexually satisfied appropriately, then I guess I consent. It's a bit painful though ..

Date: 2024-11-15 14:54:33
I'm in the Starbucks at 4 King St West and going to pass out.
I'll die and you can quickly recover and start fucking someone who sexually satisfies you.
Or you can just give ENRIQUE a call. I'm not going to be a problem for yiu.

Date: 2024-11-15 15:11:26
Fuck off u piece of shit . Your will leave me alone. You are depraved and u blame me for the breakdown in communication between when listen to your sick phone message.

Date: 2024-11-15 15:44:27
You insult me and then say that you are my husband . since when is it nice for a husband to put down his wife with depraved accusations lies and insults. Never. I have had enough of your insulting me you have a head trauma, jerk , stop projecting your illness on to me. You insult me and expect me to speak with u

Date: 2024-11-15 15:52:50
No, I was demonstrating for Kelly that this is the end of my wife.