To: Ms HO'ROZCO(+17429882727)
Date: 2024-12-13 13:14:09

You're amusing you 🔥HOT LIL LATINA HOTTIE with your HO'ROZCO ALLEGIANCE with DADDY THE UNTOUCHABLE PEDOPHILIA. I seriously was telling you this for 13 years.. and so we're on Friday the 13th Anniversary of your HONOURABLE FR FAUSTO'S PROTECTOR FUCKERY. Cc: Ms FARKAS, Ms CURRY, Mr EVANGELISTA (I informally requested his full legal name for Service and/or Summons) and I'm just gonna coordinate the legal jurisprudential lawfare to take out your sugar daddy LATINO viral COERCION. — HILLIER & FARKAS, Co-Chief Executive Officers Independent Ontario Advocacy Group / Canadian Democratic Defence Association »— 6:6 —« Cel: +1 437-553-2224 (Him) & +1 647-514-5021 (Her)