The father of my children is RYAN JAMES RISLEY - hence why their last name is RISLEY - Some half retarded psycho is attempting to claim my kids are his - they are not .
I have charged him - He goes by Henry Case
His real name is Isaac Bon hillier
He makes fake accounts impersonating me and others
He has had DrewtardZero Illuminatus physically threatened in British Columbia with his bs
He has opened a corporation and a bank with my name as his partner without my knowledge or consent
Many of you have over the last year sent me screen shots of his delusional messages or arguments - he has attempted to tell my actual brothers and even my cousin that he is the father of my kids and is now posting pics of them that he also steals offline
He had a wife he apparently is also slandering
So at this point I am publicly announcing - TO THE POLICE - DO YOUR FKN JOB OR I WILL.