Please find attached the Certificate of Stay issued for the above noted matter. Toronto Divisional Court File No 107/22.
The cost to file the appeal is $229 for the appeal, $31 for the stay and $608 to perfect.
Please take this email as Notice on Notice of Motion for Leave to Appeal the Order of Randy Aulbrook made on February 9th, 2022. This decision was rife with both factual and procedural errors, but for this Motion I will deal with the errors in law.
You try to charge me and my wife $10,681.82 for expressing our opinion regarding the COVID-19 p[l]andemic and [our] personal choice on vaccinations and masks?
You have no idea what you have done.
Now, just wait to see these pieces of shit (Medallion Corporation, Sherbourne Place, Cohen Highley LLP, et al.) try to drag us out of our apartment on Monday, February 21st, 2022 or immediately thereafter (capricious acts of insolence are pst for the course with Sherbourne Die Statte.
I'm providing this for evident reasons, to assist the "Fringe Majority" better understand this conflict, and properly apply asymmetrical information warfare techniques to topple Goliath.
Here are the written submissions I made to the LTB in case they denied my Request to Reschedule a Hearing (62) submitted on October 7th of 2021 at 0320EDT and cited case law which renders a rescheduled hearing appropriate in the case of the death of an immediate family member.
"The Tenant (CWT) continued to speak inappropriately to other tenants regarding their personal beliefs of the COVID pandemic.. The Tenant(s) were provided an opportunity to retain their tenancy by refraining from having unwanted conversations with other tenants regarding the COVID 19 pandemic and their personal choice on vaccinations and masks, to no avail."
I keep coming back to an exquisitely relevant article from Université de Sherbrooke entitled Crowning Glory: Liability in Negligence of Public Authorities which reviews relevant case law for going after "public authorities" and other such "state actors".
Last night, I learned that I have been exposed to COVID-19. My rapid test result was negative. I am following Ottawa Health rules and isolating for five days. I feel fine and will be working from home. Stay safe, everyone – and please get vaccinated.
The resistance to tyranny in our times is taking many unexpected forms. There will be many confrontations on the way, and there is still a very long way to go. At some point, and no one knows when or how, something has to give.
The Canadian Criminal Code defines separate paths for the prosecution of fraud, depending on the value of the offence. Therefore, it is critical to understand what is fraud under and over $5,000, what are the penalties for each of these offences, and what your options are when facing a fraud case in Toronto.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”
“It was accepted by WHO, and they said when the test is positive, we have a case of COVID-19. And this is how they started counting the cases,” Wodarg said. “What they counted was the activity of testing. And the more they tested, the more cases they found.”
I should be able to maintain the server as a historical resource, but I am very doubtful that I will be able to make any substantive additions before January 3 of 2022.
“Neither police nor politicians nor courts will come to your rescue as the regime oversteps its limits,” Ruechel wrote on his blog. “The brakes of our liberal democracy are gone. There is no telling how far this will go if it is not stopped soon. What happens next largely depends on how many have the courage to speak out against this slide into tyranny.”
Mr Bayles was acting with aggression towards my wife, and was unresponsive to my reasonable explanation that there are exemptions to the "Mandatory Mask Wearing Policy". Mr Bayles has no right accosting tenants with his demands that they cover their face or wear other clothing. That is improper.
Here we see Medallion Corporation trying to evict my wife and I for my not allowing DAVID BAYLES to intimidate (back of the bus) my wife for her being unable to wear a muzzle like a good little slave, right? And for generally resisting their abusive enforcement of the mask mandate.
Fuck you, Medallion.
“The Justice Centre is profoundly disturbed that these federal mandates will prevent unvaccinated Canadians from leaving the country. Such a mandate is an egregious and unacceptable infringement of Canadians’ constitutionally protected mobility rights. There is no scientific justification for this,” concludes Ms. Pejovic.
In effect, rather than embracing how the internet has made expanded freedom possible (something we are supposed to support considering we are a ‘free’ country), governments like the Trudeau government have decided to move closer towards a place like China where freedom is seen as something to be feared.
The military in effect was treating Canadian Citizens as an enemy population to be ‘shaped,’ using information that they’ve exploited in an effort to manipulate.
And note how – despite the government claiming they didn’t ‘ask’ for this – how the military propaganda techniques line up perfectly with the interests of the federal government...
The Canadian Forces also spent more than $1 million to train public affairs officers on behaviour modification techniques of the same sort used by the parent firm of Cambridge Analytica, the company implicated in a 2016 data-mining scandal to help Donald Trump’s U.S. presidential election campaign.
On Wednesday, proof-of-vaccination requirements went into effect at non-essential businesses in Ontario and New Brunswick. Most other provinces have similar rules in place or soon to begin; on Tuesday, Prince Edward Island become the latest to join the bandwagon, announcing vaccination passports will be necessary to enter places from sporting events to restaurants as of Oct. 5.
Myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, inflammation of the lining outside the heart, occur in 1-in-6,000 to 1-in-15,000 people, ages 12 and older who receive an mRNA vaccine for COVID-19, according to Isaac Bogoch, an infectious diseases physician at Toronto’s University Health Network.
Jews were banned from universities; Jewish actors were dismissed from theaters; Jewish authors’ works were rejected by publishers; and Jewish journalists were hard-pressed to find newspapers that would publish their writings.
Let the marketing strategists, graphic experts and problem solvers at FASTSIGNS® of Vancouver, BC discriminate against you for your freedom of conscience beliefs. And, we at franchise 653 breach contract. We hate Rosa Parks and all you untermensch!
Posters have been popping up all over the Sherbourne Site ushering tenants to get their Mandatory Euthanasia treatment, without disclosing the significant risks involved in this experimental gene therapy. Unfortunately, your client has not removed them, which is a demonstrable wish to be held liable for an adverse events sustained by tenants of your client's Sherbourne Site rental property. Enclosed is some fan-art commemorating your client's choice to usher the Goyim to their Euthanasia Clinic. Where's Waldo?
Many of the new restrictions will only apply to businesses not signed onto a vaccine passport system the government is calling the “restrictions exemption program,” which will allow vaccinated Albertans, as well as those who can present a negative COVID-19 test, to access participating businesses without facing restrictions, other than masking.
O’Toole says he would work with provinces to devise a national proof-of-vaccination system, adding such a setup would help Canadians during international travel.
Stats compiled by Oxford University-backed research team Our World in Data shows there were a record 1,892 Covid cases per million people in Israel on Wednesday — nearly 0.2 per cent of the entire population in a single day.
On Wednesday, Ontario became the fourth Canadian province to announce plans to require residents to prove they’ve been vaccinated in order to get into certain indoor spaces.
In the plan Premier Doug Ford said it’s “no secret” he didn’t want to implement, Ontarians will be required to show a vaccine receipt and identification to get into certain settings starting Sept. 22. Then, starting Oct. 22, Ontarians will have access to a QR code certificate, proving their vaccine status.
Although vaccine requirements can be controversial, particularly where unvaccinated condo owners are paying fees toward maintaining those facilities, public health rules are nothing new, said Chaplick. Many swimming pool regulations arose from the need to eradicate polio.
“It is extremely common for us as a society to adopt laws requiring public health and safety and vaccination to prevent the spread of disease,” said Chaplick.
In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Gianni Cohen said her mother, Cheryl Cohen, developed Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease after getting the Pfizer vaccine, and died within three months of her second dose.
Misery loves company, right? Just because everyone and his/her dog is getting jabbed, doesn't make it smart. It just means there'll be mass graves. Free funeral at a mass burial. :D
Misery loves company, right? Just because everyone and his/her dog is getting jabbed, doesn't make it smart. It just means there'll be mass graves. Free funeral at a mass burial. :D
Misery loves company, right? Just because everyone and his/her dog is getting jabbed, doesn't make it smart. It just means there'll be mass graves. Free funeral at a mass burial. :D
This article was posted to the website on Aug 30. Shitty research by the writer, because she missed the fact that Dr Kumar Wilson is CEO of CANImmunize Inc, and his wife is PR for .
Fucking amateur hour.
After months of death threats and angry confrontations with anti-vaxxers, Earlscourt BBQ owner Jason Rees isn’t particularly hopeful a COVID-19 vaccine passport will cool things down.
“I’ve got a bad feeling I’m going to have to kick someone’s ass,” said Rees.
For more than 18 months, we’ve dealt with questionable advice on masking, ranging from head-scratching and mildly amusing to outright laughable, and there seems to be no end in sight, despite the lack of scientific underpinning for universal masking.
Interesting new pre-print was released the other day. What I find really interesting is the tacit admission that the Delta Variant is produced by the vaccine.
The spike protein in the vaccine can lead to the development of multiple, tiny blood clots because it becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium; these cells are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly, but the spike protein means there are “spiky bits sticking out”.. The long-term outlook is very grim, Hoffe said, because with each successive shot, it will add more damage as you’re getting more damaged capillaries
Dr. Mike Yeadon, former R&D Vice President of Pfizer company with a technical focus on immunology and toxicology, talks with the Corona Ausschuss session #66 about the concerning lack of safety data and high level of adverse reactions from the new emergency use gene therapy injections being pushed widely as an immunisation against 'Covid-19'. The German language translations in the original recording of this session have been edited out for brevity.
In a totalitarian society, there are two classes: the rulers and the ruled, and both groups undergo a pathological transformation. Rulers are raised to a god-like status where they can do no wrong — a view that easily leads to corruption and unethical behavior — while the ruled are transformed into dependent subjects, which leads to psychological regression.
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) is a spectrum of acute, delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions that affect the skin and the mucous membranes. Medications are the culprit cause of these disorders in addition to infections and in very rare instances vaccinations. We report a case of TEN in a 49-year-old woman with no previous medical history. The disorder developed one week after receiving the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine with no other identifiable causes.
“I spent the last 20 years of my life and 37 years watching my dad do this job, and because I didn’t want to put an experimental drug in my body, I got to give that all up?” Pelekai said.
So, I got an offer the other day from an anonymous party (they made the offer via a domain broker) for the domain I promptly fired off a reply to the broker that in an information war, only a fucking morons sells critical infrastructure to an unknown party, and told the broker to tell the anonymous buyer to contact us directly.
Whether or not you agree with Dr. Zelenko, it's worth your time to hear this week's presentation to the Jerusalem Rabbinical Court. As Dr. Zelenko states, "Noah was a conspiracy theorist until it started raining."
For the dogmatic who state, "Dr. Zelenko is crazy! What he says is lunacy!" I say, "Maybe. It's not yet raining. We'll see." In the end, trust God.
“Each wave of terrorizing creates its effects more easily (after a breathing spell) than the one that preceded it because people are still disturbed by their previous experience. Morality becomes lower and lower, and the psychological effects of each new propaganda campaign become stronger; it reaches a public already softened up.”
—Joost Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind
I feel that there is an important point I need to address, and that is controlled opposition attending, speaking at, and leading the protests in the GTA in 2020 and 2021...
Despite evidence of serious risks, and the fact these COVID shots haven't even been licensed - there's a rapid push to replace conventional flu vaccines with the same technology. Is the plan to get them emergency use authorization next?
In a January 2021 lecture, Jonathan Latham, Ph.D., introduced the term "the pandemic virus industrial complex," to describe the academic, military and commercial complexes that are driving the pandemic agenda and obscuring facts that indicate SARS-CoV-2 is a manmade virus.
As confirmed in Espinoza v. The Napanee Beaver Limited, Mustafa v. Corporation of the City of Mississauga, Chmurzewski v. Natural Touch Rehabilitation Center, the death of mother or mother-in-law constitutes extraordinary circumstances. As such, I request that our initial request be immediately granted...
If you haven't consented to one of the experimental jabs, you're being accused of being a viral factory for the more virulent variants. Fortunately for you, that's the complete opposite of the truth. Here's what they're not telling you about COVID mutations.
I immediately went to work (this was back in March, 2020) to see if there was any way to contain COVID-19. And like many of us, that road led me to masks. It looked like various countries that had strong mask-wearing mandates had successfully managed to dodge the pandemic. And so I wrote this piece — “How We Know Masks Work.” It is still up on my blog, as I have a policy to leave up the things I’m wrong about, as well as the subjects I nail.
"The information itself if listened to creates risk to the public as well. That is certainly a need to manage that misinformation campaign as well," says Nova Scotia Chief Medical Officer.
The World Health Organization is recommending that everyone, even the fully vaccinated, continue to wear masks because of the highly transmissible variant.
It's been two weeks since the original report and mainstream media continues to ignore it. Instead of moving away from it, we're doubling down and exposing the truth to as many as possible.
A previously symptomless 86-year-old man received the first dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. He died 4 weeks later from acute renal and respiratory failure. Although he did not present with any COVID-19-specific symptoms, he tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 before he died. Spike protein (S1) antigen-binding showed significant levels for immunoglobulin (Ig) G, while nucleocapsid IgG/IgM was not elicited. Acute bronchopneumonia and tubular failure were assigned as the cause of death at autopsy; however, we did not observe any characteristic morphological features of COVID-19. Postmortem molecular mapping by real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed relevant SARS-CoV-2 cycle threshold values in all organs examined (oropharynx, olfactory mucosa, trachea, lungs, heart, kidney and cerebrum) except for the liver and olfactory bulb. These results might suggest that the first vaccination induces immunogenicity but not sterile immunity.
Unfortunately, most Canadians have been subjected to these types of techniques (Stockholm Syndrome and Mockingbird Media) the last year and a half. This article provides you with background information, and educates you on seven specific techniques. Then, a real world example is demonstrated as it applies to you. Recognize these techniques, become strong, and protect yourself.
In the next 10 to 15 years, we are likely to see spikes in prion diseases, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases at younger ages, and blood disorders such as blood clots, hemorrhaging, stroke and heart failure...
The inexperienced members of the Bar are another matter.. Will this process, in the hands of the young lawyer, be encouraged to the advantage of the client if the sword of Rule 57.07 hangs over counsel's head as a backdrop against which the strategy of presenting the client's case is developed?
In this interview, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., and Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., a dream-team in terms of deep insights into the scientific details, explain the problems they see with gene-based COVID-19 vaccines. There is a load of highly useful technical information that you can use to defend your opposition to these dangerous vaccines.
Remember, remember.. remember the 31st of May, and forever remember these names.
Fucking ridiculous... who can guess the imperative of the Crowning Glory article that is recommended reading with this farce? Less than half the members voted (58/123, only 47.154471545%) which is reasonable grounds. Less than HALF OF THE MEMBERS VOTED!
All of the COVID-19 vaccines in Canada are
“Authorized under Interim Orders”. This means that continued use of the experimental vaccines is contingent on the collection of additional data from Pfizer BioNTech’s on-going study as well as other surveillance systems, including studies that Canadian adolescents are being invited to enroll in at the time of vaccination, to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines.
AstraZeneca’s “safe and effective” Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine reportedly caused a 43-year-old father from Canada to lose about six feet of his intestine after the injection triggered a deadly blood clot inside his abdomen.
As it turns out, there are more than 1,000 proteins contained in the vaccine that can trigger a severe autoimmune response.
SARS-CoV-2 proteins were measured in longitudinal plasma samples collected from 13 participants who received two doses of mRNA-1273 vaccine. 11 of 13 participants showed detectable levels of SARS-CoV-2 protein as early as day one after first vaccine injection. Clearance of detectable SARS-CoV-2 protein correlated with production of IgG and IgA.
How do you deal with a lawyer who thinks she's the Crown Counsel (district attorney) without suing her firm for her Tortious Interference and general stupidity?
They sent the B team for me... You started this the wrong way, Matilda Lici. Way wrong, you snivelling little child.
You do NOT utter threats of CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.
With this cycle, post-vaxx, over 30 eggs were retrieved, but ZERO embryos survived past day 4-5 of development.. That's when the cells that will be the placenta start to form
The lipid nanoparticles can potentially fuse with brain cells, resulting in delayed neuro-degenerative disease. And the mRNA-induced spike protein can bind to brain tissue 10 to 20 times stronger than the spike proteins that are (naturally) part of the original virus.”
We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. Overpopulation, and mostly useless, is something that is too costly economically.
Socially, too, it is much better when the human machine comes to an abrupt standstill than when it gradually deteriorates.
Most new COVID-19 hospitalizations in New York state are from people who were staying home and not venturing much outside, a "shocking" finding, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday.
If true, we are in big trouble because spike proteins are exactly what the COVID vaccines are instructing the body to manufacture in great numbers. For SARS-CoV-2, the vaccines produced by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna give instructions to our cells to make our own version of the spike protein, which happens shortly following immunization.
This is our response (May3) to Sherbourne Site's obseqious demands, that are the very epitome of brown shirt bullshit.
The very next day, they filed for an Eviction Order (May4).
Alka Singh says her ex-boyfriend secretly recorded her with a hidden camera and via Skype. In a statement of defences, he denies making any recording without her consent...
The Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca COVID vaccines are under the microscope for their potential to cause blood clots, but scientists warn Pfizer and Moderna vaccines pose similar risks.
Research on SARS-CoV-2 RNA by scientists at Harvard and MIT has implications for how mRNA vaccines could permanently alter genomic DNA, according to Doug Corrigan, Ph.D., a biochemist-molecular biologist who says more research is needed.
Competing interests: Kumanan Wilson is the CEO of CANImmunize Inc. Dr. Wilson owns shares of CANImmunize and does not receive renumeration for his activities as company CEO.
So, what happened between April 2nd and April 3rd that saw 366 (almost a third) of the devastatingly high COVID-19 hospitalized patient-caseload actually DISCHARGED. How does this mean that means we need to head into another lockdown?
What we are experiencing is a concerted abuse of Munchausen-by-Government enabled by our Mockingbird media to gaslight we the people into expressing consent that up is down, bad is good, and healthy is sick. You see where I'm going with this now, right?
As such, even a .1% discrepancy can cause a shift of a whole percentage point. So I've streamlined the workflow (integrated two separate workflows into a duality of fraud) for the two related facets, these case-delta fraud, and the symptomatic patient v/asymptomatic prisoners ratio.
Read the full breakdown here that there was only one additional hospitalization, while 1033 souls were unlawfully detained in quarantine for their LACK of symptoms.
Makes sense, right? Enjoy the rant...
Dr Evil tells you to take the AstraZeneca therapeutic because even though 79% is actually LESS effective than 95% at preventing COVID19 symptoms, it's more profitable for her husband if you take the AZ jab.
Dr Evil tells you to take the AstraZeneca therapeutic because even though 79% is actually LESS effective than 95% at preventing COVID19 symptoms, it's more profitable for her husband if you take the AZ jab.
Enjoy the fruits you dirty motherfuckers.. and please feel free to make suggestions directly and I'll see about incorporating them into rapid generation. The reproduction source is 100% editable, so just gimme a shout and I'll provide the file package.
In a fresh setback for AstraZeneca, a U.S. health agency is questioning the efficacy of data on its COVID-19 vaccine from a large-scale trial in the United States.
Our placebo group has a 95% efficacy at preventing symptomatic COVID-19.. yet AstraZeneca is touting its 79% efficacy as something grand. Holy shit, kill your fucking TV.
This is a disease so devastating that of 13,810 cases, 94% are forced into isolation like some sort of rabid dog, and only 6% were actually admitted to the hospital...
We haven't been following the relationship of the Saccoccia couple, but it was brought to our attention this morning that he's changed his facebook status to "Separated"...
Which is possibly a "smooth criminal" move to get people to ease up from persecuting he and his wife...
OK folks, today you are in for a real treat. We have presented many of the pieces previously, but this will help put them in the proper perspective. That is the phase we are in now. We have the facts, we just need to understand what they mean and interpret them properly.
Test mirror of Mike Adams' article about the open letter from top vaccine scientist named Geert Vanden Bossche.
Facebook censors HealthRanger links, so try using this to share to your Facebook feed. I'm working on the video embeds, but for the moment it links to working copies.
8 European nations including Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Estonia, Denmark, Norway and Iceland have decided to stop using the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine due to serious blood clot incidents reported in many countries.
However, more recently, the number of excess deaths has been higher than the number of deaths due to COVID-19, and these deaths are affecting younger populations, suggesting that other factors, including possible indirect impacts of the pandemic, are now at play.
This author just remembered an exquisitely relevant article from Université de Sherbrooke entitled Crowning Glory: Liability in Negligence of Public Authorities which reviews relevant case law for going after "public authorities" and other such "state actors".
But the most salient point being the admission that Medallion is treating tenants who cannot wear a mask differently from other tenants, evidenced by admitting that the Cleaner had been sharing the elevator with another tenant (presumable masked) and refused to allow myself to enter the elevator after that person exited.
It is a testimony to the power of propaganda, institutional capture, and the desire to socially conform that masking of the general population has successfully been imposed during the COVID-19 era. The harms from this imposition are palpable, and potentially long-term and gargantuan, not the least of which is the psychological training of the public to comply with an absurd measure that has direct personal negative impact. I review the mounting evidence of the obvious: Universal masking harms people and society, without any detectable benefit.
The judges at Nuremberg, although they realized the importance of Hippocratic ethics and the maxim primum non nocere, recognized that more was necessary to protect human research subjects. Accordingly, the judges articulated a sophisticated set of 10 research principles centered not on the physician but on the research subject.
Alright, put in an order for the first 100 test run. Will be papering my apartment complex the night I pick them up. I fully expect to make alterations to the details for clarity, but the first run is going in as a full bleed 8.5x11" full colour copy. Here is the copy with registration and crops.
This enclosed video is of Kelly Anne Farkas NOT publishing or engaging with members of the public over Social Media, and NOT endangering the health and welfare of the public by recommending that they attend her in protest of the draconian lockdown measures of the Tyrantosaurus Rex Premier Fattie Doug Ford.
Enjoy the Revolution, because it WILL be televised. ;)
If Justin Trudeau quit tomorrow, Governor General Julie Payette would probably ask his deputy Chrystia Freeland to take over – but there’s nothing saying Payette would have to...
Meme warfare... this photo is an example of how one of our readers used one of our previous memes. Note the placement in a high-traffic public location. This was our "Fight Communism" repeal of one of the FordNation twats that told us to isolate for the holidays.
This is now our "Fight Fraud" edition, as we explore the Case Delta Fraud.
I chose the FDA-5 cover for a reason.. this is a HUGE fraud against the people, so I'm giving you a bit of time to prep your defence team, Ford baby...
All your assets are gone when we're done with you. Same goes for your co-conspirators.
Governments, news and even hospitals are claiming that without locking down society the healthcare system would collapse. Yet, we only need take a look at headlines of flu seasons gone by to see that hospitals have dealt with far greater surges of respiratory illnesses without collapsing.
I fucking HATE censorship —I asked Rocco Galati nicely to provide me with the source documents from the lawsuit so I could searchify it and ensure proper exposure on a public issue, and all he gave me was that piss-poor copy that looks like it was faxed. So the other day, somebody posted a link to this tweet to one of our Facebook pages. Thank-you Chris McCann and the OP Amir Attaran.
This was posted by someone to one of the captured open public forums, and it makes sense to follow if you're culinarily challenged and don't cook your own food...
I need to address a problem that's been hard on my chest. My husband and I have been dealing with some personal issues these past couple months. The things I have said regarding Chris Sky were being said to me with no hard evidence.
I'm pleased to inform you that I am pledging my support with Police on Guard for Thee.
I have had contact with numerous active duty and retired members of various Canadian Police Services reaching out in concern of the events unfolding before us. As a result I can tell you now that we not only share your concerns, we are strategizing to uphold those Rights and Freedoms we swore to undertake.
A great flyer to print off and give to your families and friends (and leave in as many mailboxes, on doorsteps as you want)
We are a group of concerned retired and active duty peace officers looking to see the end of unconstitutional public health orders. Read our initial letter below.
If you are a fellow retired or active duty peace officer or in the related field and would like to add your name to this effort, please be sure to send us a message so we may reach out to you.
I've made certain to carbon-copy his associate Joe Hoffer, because as the Ontario Law Society Chair (so alleged according to Cohen Highley LLP) he's probably in the best position to tell his associate, the guy across the hall, not to breach protocol by enabling their client to go after this tenant with vexatious litigation utilizing fraudulent testimony, right?
Please advise your client that they should at least make an effort to resolve matters amicably without the involvement of the courts, which are severely stressed under the CoronaChan restrictions. I seek only to deescalate this issue and for your client to properly abide by the applicable laws, including but not limited to the Reopening Ontario Act.
Enclosed is a copy of this tenant's letter to the lawyer for Medallion Corporation and their complaint about definitively NOT the fact that the Tenant cannot, or consequent ideological or other exemption choose not to, wear a mask or acceptable face covering such as a muzzle or plastic bag.
I've come to the realization that seeing how nobody likes to donate to help cover the server costs, would you guys be receptive to buying merchandise? Would you be receptive to wearing a grey "FordNation is RapingOntario" shirt or a "MaskSickness: I will OBEY" shirt?
Your feedback is appreciated, bitches. Speak up, for fuck sake!
I am highly disappointed at your on-site management's lack of familiarity with applicable laws and bylaws. But still, I am willing to help you get it right. Please acknowledge receipt of this transmission with 5-business-days or before Tuesday December 15th, 2020. Thank-you, God Help Canada, and God Bless the protected exercise of our Fundamental Rights & Freedoms.
..Medallion Corporation proudly claims that as it is of Jewish descent, it is immune to acting like a Nazi Brown Shirt or an enforcer for Stalinist Russia.
273.6 (3) Subsection (2) does not apply in respect of assistance that is of a minor nature and limited to logistical, technical or administrative support.
CFINTCOM. Analyze and report on COVID-19 threat internationally, potential threats to COVID-19 vaccine roll-out, other public safety and national security threats, and geopolitical developments impacting Canada and our allies.
"Celebrate the holidays in protest with those who live outside your household to help stop the spread of communism."
--From the desk of Legally and Lawfully, we're gonna destroy you politically and professionally; Enough is enough.
PS: Your graphics people fucking STINK.
It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out any more. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, "Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials, and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone."
Everybody is so adamant about fapping themselves blind to the #FearPorn epidemic that I'm seriously questioning the sanity of EVERY FUCKING ONE of you.
Be you sheep or be you domesticated placated dog, we've been doing the same fucking thing over and over again, expecting different results.
Just an FYI that Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act "orders in council" under Section 7.0.2 and 7.1 is are continued under the Reopening Ontario Act.
Wolf in sheep's clothing.
The purpose of this Act is to enhance the protection and promotion of the health of Ontarians and to.. carry out and support activities such as.. establishment of an agency to provide scientific and technical advice and support to those working across sectors.. population health assessment, public health research, surveillance, epidemiology, planning and evaluation.
As of 12:01 a.m, Saturday, November 14, the order will come into force as the Province of Ontario places Toronto into the Red – Control category of the provincial COVID-19 response framework. The order extends prohibitions on indoor dining and indoor group fitness classes, and requires casinos, bingo halls, gambling establishments, meeting and event spaces (including banquet halls and conference centres), as well as hookah cafes and lounges to remain closed for a 28-day period.
The use of statistics to prove the validity of the treatment over discrete populations; the creation of predictive models for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment; and the inference of clinical guidelines as decision trees.. the use of the Internet in data mining as well as how to use distributed data for making better model inferences.
It is recommended that you stand down and stop being such a child. Just inform yourself, break your addiction to Doug Ford's Fear Porn, and exercise your faculty of critical thinking. Would you PLEASE stop letting yourself be manipulated like a dog in heat?
Doug Ford ..blames others (especially Ottawa) for testing delays, picks fights with teacher unions over class sizes during a pandemic, moves to ram through legislation to weaken environmental laws, fails to shut down efforts to open the Greenbelt to developers, tries to make it harder to sue nursing homes on behalf of seniors who died of COVID-19, plans to cut the number of statutory holidays for retail workers from nine to three, acts to scrap ranked ballots for all Ontario municipalities and dismantles key oversight boards such as the Human Rights Tribunal.
This is a poor reproduction from the Court Filings (OCR of a fax) so if somebody could PLEASE get Galati's office to send the source document to and I'll put it up like the Rancourt Reports et al.
The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) is Ontario's cornerstone legislation for workplace health and safety. Other contributing legislation includes the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (WSIA), Part II of which deals with the prevention of occupational injury and disease and the Human Rights Code, which often has to be considered in dealing with OHS issues. Both OHSA and WSIA are available along with all of Ontario's other Acts and regulations at the e-Laws website.
The epidemiological evidence clearly shows that the “pandemic” is over and no second wave will follow. The evidence has been available for at least 4-5 months and is irrefutable.2-4 Yet, in spite of this substantial body of research, your office is perpetuating the narrative that a pandemic still exists and a second wave is expected. This false story is being used to justify public health policies that appear to have no health benefits, have already caused considerable harm, and threaten to create more harm in the future.
They have flu outbreaks and gastro outbreaks all the time, and people die. And so you would think this would be an area they're an absolute expert in, and as we found that's not the case. This was not a surprise to us, and we see this, you know, during flu outbreaks and things, and we shake our heads and we hear from our clients and families, telling us about the poor infection control systems; and lack of proper hand washing, and locking away PPE -- which is, by the way still going on. Homes are still locking away these things, there's no access to people. And misuse, not knowing how to use the PPE well.
A study conducted in the United States in July found that when they compared 154 “case-patients,” who tested positive for COVID-19, to a control group of 160 participants from the same health care facility who were symptomatic but tested negative, over 70 percent of the case-patients were contaminated with the virus and fell ill despite “always” wearing a mask.
I received a very well thought out and poignant letter from a concerned individual from Ottawa. He expresses clearly a variety of hardships people are facing in Ontario as a result of the COVID restrictions, demonstrating that WE ARE NOT all in this together.
On this Thanksgiving weekend, our government made it harder, nay, impossible for thousands of businesses to stay open. They added further hardships to the elderly, mentally unwell, and poorer communities in Ontario. COVID restrictions have been tightened while all the evidence shows it will do more harm than good. Give this letter a read, and let me know if you agree it is time we stop the fear, end the restrictions, and return to normal.
Also be sure to follow my page, like, and share this post. Let your representatives know what you think of the Thanksgiving COVID restrictions and I hope you had a wonderful weekend.
In employment and in delivering services, discrimination (including harassment) against any persons or communities related to COVID-19 is prohibited when it involves a ground under the Ontario Human Rights Code, such as race, age, citizenship, sex, etc.
The CDC is saying: here is how you detect the virus in a human, here is the test on which we’re going to rely, here is the test on the basis of which we’re going to identify all case numbers and demand all lockdowns—except we don’t have the virus.
Canadian constitutional lawyer, Rocco Galati, continues his interview with data on faulty COVID-19 testing and overall death numbers, censorship of experts, and COVID-19 ramifications.
On August 19, 1947, the judges delivered their verdict in the "Doctors' Trial" at Nuremberg against 23 defendants. They also delivered their opinion on medical experimentation on human beings. Several of the accused had argued that their experiments differed little from pre-war ones and that there was no law that differentiated between legal and illegal experiments. In April of the same year, Dr. Leo Alexander had submitted to the Counsel for War Crimes six points defining legitimate medical research. The trial verdict adopted these points and added an extra four. The ten points constituted the "Nuremberg Code". Although the legal force of the document was not established and it was not incorporated directly into either the American or German law, the Nuremberg Code and the related Declaration of Helsinki are the basis for Health Canada and US Regulations.
Prior to the Supreme Court's decision in Vavilov, the governing approach to determining the standard of review in respect of administrative decision-making was the approach articulated in Dunsmuir v. New Brunswick, 2008 SCC 9. The Dunsmuir approach applied to both judicial review and statutory appeals from administrative decision-makers.
The Dunsmuir framework articulated certain categories of administrative decisions that would attract a "reasonableness" standard of review, and a much more limited group of categories that would attract a "correctness" standard of review. For example, a "reasonableness" standard of review would presumptively apply where the administrative decision-maker was interpreting or applying a provision of its "home statute" or a statute closely linked to the tribunal's functions. Where the issue raised did not fall within the previously-recognized review categories, the reviewing court would conduct a "standard of review analysis" (sometimes referred to as the "pragmatic and functional" approach) and weigh various factors relevant to determining the standard of review. This included the purpose of the administrative tribunal; the nature of the question at issue; and the relative expertise of the tribunal.
In an emotional statement, Dr Bodo Schiffmann reports that a third child has just died in Germany due to masks.
Anyone who remains silent now is an accomplice to the deaths of children.
Thank you to Counterpropaganda for the English subtitles.
..pursue legal recourse against the #MaskMandate in the Ontario At Work jurisdiction because suddenly we can hit the courts for #MaskExemption refusals which occurred after the date which the province-wide mask mandate came into effect, which was 0001EDT on October 3rd, 2020.
Fleshing out an article to offer up some smack-down to those overzealous piece of shit landlords in the GTA...
We're coming for you bitches, ANYONE who denies the bylaw exemptions, whether you're a business establishment or residential property, we're coming for you mooks. Strap in, bitches.
..a person may cherry-pick empirical data that supports one's belief, ignoring the remainder of the data that is not supportive. People also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position. The effect is strongest for desired outcomes, for emotionally charged issues, and for deeply entrenched beliefs.
To those paying attention to the full breadth of scientific data, the coronavirus lockdown should be over. Any hint of repeating it for a ‘second wave’ should be off the table... Regarding the coronavirus lockdown response, Dr. Atlas admitted the lockdown response was more harmful than the virus, suggesting “history will record as a failure of policy.” These are not just his feelings. Several key metrics have and continue to sound alarm bells.
The principles of good faith and bad faith are “fundamental to more or less every legal system on a world scale” but not, it might seem, to American constitutional law. Thousands of cases have applied these principles in fields ranging from contracts to bankruptcy to nuclear disarmament. Outside the criminal procedure and qualified immunity contexts, however, the language of good faith and bad faith rarely surfaces in constitutional doctrine. Nor have these ideas received focused attention in the secondary literature. Constitutional law, in these ways, has been an enclave of good faith and bad faith exceptionalism.
Sweden is one of the few countries where draconian pandemic responses have not been widely implemented. Throughout the pandemic, most of the country’s businesses have remained open, and people have to a large degree been allowed to go about their lives as usual, albeit with the general recommendation to social distance whenever possible.
According to an August 10, 2020, article in The Times, the epidemiologist in charge of Sweden’s coronavirus pandemic response, Dr. Anders Tegnell, “has dismissed the scientific evidence for mask-wearing as ‘astonishingly weak’ and suggested that making face coverings mandatory could backfire.”
Celebrated Canadian Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati characterizes the COVID Operation as “the biggest example of misinformation and lies on a global scale that we’ve seen.”
Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson interview with Rocco Galati and his efforts to legally hold the Government of Canada accountable for its handling of the COVID-19 'crisis'.
I had no idea my constitutional rights were being violated until I came across a story with my guest in this video. I thought, I can't be the only one that did not know and how come I never heard about this before? Finding a contrary narrative to the mainstream is challenging right now, so I took it upon myself to reach out to Rocco who is standing up in the name of the law and perhaps is providing a voice to the voiceless. Here is part 1 & 2 of my interview with Constitutional Lawyer, Rocco Galati
Prof Joseph Audie and I have been corresponding about the ongoing COVID episode for some months, and he has previously written for the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, where I am a researcher.
Joseph Audie, PhD (biophysics), MS (biomedical engineering), BS (bioengineering) is a professor of chemistry. He has performed original drug design and discovery research and has published in scientific journals. Joseph is adept at finding errors in scientific papers in the medical field.
Judicial authorities are that of court of law or judges which interpret the law, settle disputes and punish those who broke the code.
On the other hand, quasi-judicial bodies are authorities who have powers resembling those of the judicial bodies and are restricted to certain areas of expertise. Judicial authorities may have the power to create new laws in time of dire need leading to Judicial Activism, however, quasi-judicial bodies do not have this power and are bound to draw conclusions based on existing law.
As 9/11 was to the WTC, so too is the COVID plandemic to the economy, essentially. Controlled demolition, to be replaced with a shiny new bauble. Wearing a mask indicates that you are ready to fully embrace the caste servitude of the fourth turning..
Since the start of the COVID 19 outbreak, we have been bombarded with threats of a "second wave" to constantly remind people to follow public health measures...
Here are the other exemption cards, re-envisioned with a more badass tenor, for your smartphone. This is just a placeholder while we adjust the wording and explore print options, including making the lanyard option a reality.
Nurse Erin Marie Olszewski blew the whistle on the horrific maltreatment of COVID-19 patients at Elmhurst Hospital Center, a public hospital in Queens, New York, that was the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S.
Elmhurst did not isolate COVID-positive from untested patients, instead rooming them together, thereby ensuring maximum spread of the disease
Some patients who tested negative for COVID-19 were listed as positive and placed on mechanical ventilation, thus artificially inflating the case numbers while condemning the patient to death from lung injury
One such case involved a male patient admitted for high blood glucose, which is easily remedied and under no circumstance would require ventilation
Some of the doctors treating COVID-19 patients at Elmhurst were first-year residents who were treating without supervision. Most also ignored the expert advice of more experienced nursing staff, choosing to use patients as test subjects and “cash cows” instead
Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan are U.S. environmental and safety experts on the usage of respirators and masks. They advise medical professionals on what types of personal protective equipment (PPE) they need to use in a medical setting.
The constant messaging about wearing a mask is relentless. You can't escape it. From the signage upon entry into Pearson Airport to the frequent announcements, the flight attendants, the captain, virtually all people in the airport, and the standard packaging now given out in place of food or drink.
The Nazis persecuted those they considered to be racially inferior. Nazi racial ideology primarily vilified Jews, but also propagated hatred for Roma (Gypsies) and Black people. The Nazis viewed Jews as racial enemies and subjected them to arbitrary arrest, internment, and murder. Roma were also singled out on racial grounds for persecution. The Nazis viewed Poles and other Slavs as inferior, and slated them for subjugation, forced labor, and sometimes death. Jewish prisoners received the most brutal treatment in Nazi concentration camps.
Following W.H.O. guidelines, like many countries, Canada marks the deaths of all COVID-19 positive people as a COVID-19 death, regardless of whether or not COVID-19 was the actual cause of death.
That is, a person may die of a clear, alternate cause, like a person given 3 weeks left to live who dies of emphysema, but is still marked a COVID-19 death.
A vile new mantra is on the lips of every public health official and politician in the global campaign to force universal masking on the general public: “there is a growing body of evidence”.
You can now donate to our operations with Interac e-Transfer, cutting out the middle-man and ensuring that !00% of your donation goes to support our establishment.
Following W.H.O. guidelines, like many countries, Canada marks the deaths of all COVID-19 positive people as a COVID-19 death, regardless of whether or not COVID-19 was the actual cause of death.
That is, a person may die of a clear, alternate cause, like a person given 3 weeks left to live who dies of emphysema, but is still marked a COVID-19 death.
Dr. Barbara Yaffe, Ontario's associate chief medical officer of health, said that half the positive Covid-19 test results are false.
In spite of Doug Ford's claims for transparency throughout the outbreak, this is the first admission to the public that PCR test results can be wildly inaccurate with "almost half" of positive results being false.
With such unreliable testing, has Ontario intentionally been misled and unnecessarily locked down?